Project Summary
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Services Provided:
Coaches Chair Control
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
The Voice UK at MediaCity. Round One's computer systems control the iconic Coaches' Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
The four coaches. Our computer systems control the iconic Coaches Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
The four coaches during a blind audition. Our computer systems control the iconic Coaches Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
Jessie J contemplates pressing her button during a blind audition. Our computer systems control the iconic Coaches Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
The four coaches during a blind audition performance. Our computer systems control the iconic Coaches Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
The four coaches after all have chosen the auditionee. Our computer systems control the iconic Coaches Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
(Image credit: BBC / Wall To Wall)
The Voice UK - Coaches Chair Control
Will and Tom rotate to face the music, having passed on the auditionee. Our computer systems control the iconic Coaches Chairs, enabling precise control over lighting and movement cues.
Having been a ratings hit all over the world, singing contest The Voice came to the UK in 2012. Four celebrity coaches, unable to see the auditionees, judge live performances purely on what they hear. Each coach can declare an interest in the singer by hitting a button to spin their chair round to face the music. If selected, the singers continue in the contest to try and become The Voice UK.
Our Involvement
Our involvement in The Voice UK is nothing less than creating a control system for the most iconic element of the show - the Coaches' Chairs. We provide a comprehensive solution to reliably sense when the coaches press their buttons and consequently control the chairs' movement and cue lighting changes, with full safety interlocks. In addition we produce system status information for the gallery. Our system is also responsible for choreographing the "beauty shots" of all the chairs moving in unison. With over 125 auditions, we hit every cue, every time.
Further Details
More details about the show may be found via the following link(s):